Intern Diaries: 1 - When one door closes, another one opens...

by - May 23, 2012

...though if another door is still unlock, search for an open window ;) I've been on a hiatus for about two weeks, because our house was renovated. Why didn't I use a laptop? Because I feel comfortable in the company of a trusty desktop, and well, le computer was disassembled, so yeah =)) Anyway, enough of my quite-so-petty reasonings, let's proceed to what I want to do...and that's to share useless random photos I took during the 1st and 2nd week of my Internship at Saga Events...

with Kid model, Leila :)

Leila and bibi Danae

I just realized that internship is no joke... NO JOKE! The company that I'm at is into events management, which means everyone in that company is expected to be flexible, has grace under pressure, street smarts, and lots and lots of confidence. So far, I was tasked to do liquidations for our bosses (where I had an R and R with receipts and loads of scratch paper), man the reception area, search for possible event venues, assist Go-Sees, help designers during fittings, be a runner and deliver things and a whole lot more. 

So far, I've learned the importance of being attentive and initiative. Our bosses assume that their interns have to be into details to have the initiative to do things without being told to. Most mistakes are not tolerated, so you better really do things as perfect as possible-sounds scary right? Quite. However, I've kept in mind that there will be worst experiences to come once I start working, so this OJT is a great experience to be better. Yehey!


I'm sorry if I sound dazed... :))

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