This is not yet the end

by - October 01, 2011

TV Production subject is finally over-LOLJKNO because tomorrow we still have to watch the TV5 show Hey It's Saberday in Broadway Centrum somewhere in Gilmore tomorrow... *sigh*, I don't know, but I'm not excited about this at all :| I'm not excited to see a REAL studio (since I've been into a lot when I was a little kid-LongStory), nor see celebrities (unless Daniel Radcliffe is there, ofcourse :>), or anything. I just want to stay at home and translate weird phrases in Spanish, since I think that will be the subject I'll have a rough time come Finals time. BTW next week will Finals week, sooooo... HAGARDOUS VERSOZA .___.

Anyway, so yeah... All Thomasian 3rd year Communication Arts students will be bidding goodbye to their favorite subject for this semester, though it seems like I'm not part of that 'all'. It's not that I hate this subject, I just didn't like it :| Fine, I've learned a lot (e.g. make scripts for shows, direct segments, learn how to hide the lapel mic, cram, etc), but... I just didn't like it, probably because I'm not really in making Media. I know, that sounds ironic since our course focus on media sheesh... but it's just that, I can't imagine myself working for TV :| nor anything related to it... so I really don't know... hehehe? Oh, and besides I'm sure this is just a beginning... more TV-related sheesh in the near future :| 



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